The Widowmaker is a colloquial name given to large old eucalyptus trees such as the ghost gum and Murray River red gum. This is because they have the habit of suddenly shedding large limbs during times of drought to preserve moisture. You may hear a crack and hope you hear a thud. Most less urbanized Australians know to never pitch your swag under a gum tree so as not to sleep with a log…lol.
The WDOMKA is a name I give to the latest incarnation of the oversized fingerboard sans wheels. This variant is made with seven related veneers of vinegarooned Murray River red gum and topped with black Horween sports print leather with the letters WDOMKA imprinted in the leather. It is meant to be reminiscent of a number plate from the state of Victoria, Australia that was issued between 1953 and 1977, which were black with white lettering.