I told you we got a cat, and we named him Mitty, sort of a tribute to a family favorite movie, I was seven years old when I watched the original movie at midday while indulging in one of my many abscentieism’s from second grade. Movies were a far better education, I learnt more from Danny Kay, Jerry Lewis and Jimmy Stewart. Anyway, I digress. As a huge fan of Ben Stiller’s directorial work, I was always going to like this movie, I was just surprised by the depth of my joy. It was one of those moments when you actually feel like the director is making media just for you. Ben as a director has done that on several occasions during my life back to reality bites and I hope he continues to do so.

The itty bitty mitty

Tag line, paw prints and the number 42

the mitty kitty muster; outside paw prints, track, the number 42 Horween sports print leather.

The mitty kitty muster; inside full quote, LEVIS 501 pocket, worn denim.

